BuzzFuzz is reporting on an incident in the Black Sea involving a Russian submarine and a mischievous Cambodian mini-plane.
As the submarine innocently resurfaced for a crew smoke break, little did they know that misfortune was waiting behind a cloud. Lieutenant Wing Shing, the pilot of the mini-plane, couldn’t resist the opportunity for mischief.
Spotting the crew members enjoying their smoke break, Lt. Shing unleashed one of his rockets directly at the unsuspecting submarine.
BOOM! The rocket found its mark, causing the submarine to erupt in a spectacle of chaos and plunge into the depths of the ocean.
In recognition of his outlandish heroism, Lt. Shing will be awarded Cambodia’s highest military honor, ‘The Cambodian Flag of Heroism.’ And that’s not all! As a bonus, Lt. Shing will receive 1,000 shares in Cambodia’s Bamboo Shoots Inc., let’s hope they shoot for the moon!