In a very unusual summer snowstorm, the town of Fargo, North Dakota was hit with quite an extensive blizzard.
Fargo’s ABC affiliate, Channel 99, reported that the storm nicknamed The Yukon Yuckmaker Blizzard hit at 3:23 am, as Fargonians were all sleeping.
Pipes froze, tree branches broke, birds left town, and the Fargo Police Department reported that several cats were found frozen to the sidewalks, driveways and fast food parking lots.
Temperatures in the town that is known as “The Lint Capital of America” dipped down to 3 degrees, with a windchill factor of minus 9.
In fact, the Channel 99 weathergal, Loretta “Heat Wave” Toybox, 19, reported that there was not a single snowman anywhere in the town of 126,909 people.